Are you within driving distance of Jackson, Michigan?
If so, plan on attending Catholic Authors of Michigan, a mini book fair sponsored by Good Shepherd Catholic Radio, on Saturday, February 10, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
EWTN personality Teresa Tomeo will headline a group of four Michigan-based Catholic authors (among whom, I humbly submit, is moi, Bill Kassel, yours truly).
Also participating are Catholic apologist Gary Michuta, and Islam expert Dr. Brian Bradford.
We’ll all be on hand to discuss and sign our books — which will be on sale at the event and make perfect selections for deepening your faith understanding this Lent.
Teresa, who hosts the daily morning radio talk show, “Catholic Connection,” has written several inspirational titles, including Beyond Me, My Selfie & I: Finding Real Happiness in a Self-Absorbed World; Intimate Graces: How Practicing the Works of Mercy Brings Out the Best in Marriage; and others. She appears regularly on EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network), and speaks throughout the country with a special focus on women’s issues and the corrosive influence of media and pop culture.
Gary Michuta is a popular catechetical speaker and religious education specialist. An expert on Catholic Church history and doctrine, he’s a frequent guest on Christian radio and television shows. His books include Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger; Hostile Witnesses: How the Historic Enemies of the Church Prove Christianity; and Making Sense of Mary.
Dr. Brian Bradford is a renowned scholar of comparative religions, concentrating on the timely topic of Islam and the Middle East. His many works include Muhammad’s Jesus, an examination of how Muslims understand Christ; and Islamic Jerusalem: The Invention of a Holy City, which argues that Muslim concern about Jerusalem’s religious importance is an expression of Islamic supremacy.
And I hardly need mention that my novel about the family of Jesus, MY BROTHER’S KEEPER, is a perfect fiction addition to your Lenten reading list. (I don’t need to mention it, but of course I will, because I want you to read it.)
You can take a tour of the Good Shepherd Catholic Radio studio, from which this AM/FM station covers south-central Michigan. And free refreshments will be provided.
The Good Shepherd Catholic Radio studio is located at 704 N. East Avenue, Jackson, on the grounds of St. Joseph Oratory.
For further information call: 517-513-3340.
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