I’ve been woefully deficient in keeping up this blog lately.
Most of my recent activities have focused on building a library of recorded interviews, in anticipation of my radio show going weekly. And I can say there’s some good stuff on the horizon.
Nevertheless, I beg your forgiveness and implore your patience.
Despite my distraction, history goes on. And it’s interesting to observe how attitudes have congealed around the Biden Administration and our march toward national destruction.
Polls taken in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election suggested that most Republicans, and as much as a third of Democrats, suspected that cheating had taken place. By now, with hard evidence emerging from the Maricopa County, Arizona audit and other investigations ongoing around the country, confidence in the integrity of the vote count is slipping rapidly.
Add to that our other accumulating woes — Chinese threats, renewed violence in the Middle East, accelerating inflation, growing unemployment, endless COVID lockdowns, the border crisis, etc. — and you can feel gloom pressing hard on daily life.
But Americans are nothing if not resilient. The tendency toward finding humor (so visible a feature of our national character) has been on display in a steady stream of memes and graphics circulating online. The not-too-subtle Batman homage at the top of this column is one example. Here are a few others to brighten your day…
This “Wizard of Oz” recollection explains how our current politics work…
…while this set of images reveals much about the change that’s taken place in how our government sees the world and identifies our enemies…
…just as this one demonstrates how White House business is conducted from day to day…
Of course, policy expresses itself in staffing. And this graphic tells you everything you need to know about how the current Administration selects personnel…
All of which probably accounts for a certain frustration which Joe Biden must be feeling…
But then, Joe’s efforts aren’t completely unappreciated by the public, as expressed in this note of gratitude…
…even if things do leave some people a tad perplexed…
It’s important to note though, that the Administration’s most important work happens at street level. It just has to be done with current health conditions in mind…
But whatever happens, we should remember that, when it comes to politics, nothing is permanent…
In the meantime, this image reminds us that we should give our leader the respect he deserves (it’s a little fuzzy, but then so is our leader)…
God bless those clever wits and Photoshop artists who keep us laughing amid the gloom.
The current episode of my radio show / podcast, “Free Expression with Bill Kassel,” is an encore presentation of an interview I did last year with author, filmmaker and tour director Steve Ray. Steve talks about his conversion to Catholicism, and how he uses all media to convey Church history and the Christian message. He’s an interesting guy, and our conversation was fun. Check it out online at…
Christopher K. says
Thank you so much for these, Bill.
I just texted them to my whole family. Of course I left off the ones that would need a therapist after viewing them out of respect.
Also, I don’t like arguments, unless it’s with intelligent people who can listen to the whole story.
Helen W. says
Good to see your written word!
Some of these are just too priceless!
Al says
Good to see you revamping the blog away from obsession with politics.
Ya know, like ya said.
Check yer arch cives.
Al says
success at last.
you’ve worn me down
with all the psychotic
woe is me, the victim
deep intrenched
as accessible
as talking to a brick wall
Al says
don’t believe your lying eyes
at any cost
Al says
forgot infantile
Al says
i want my maypo
John says
Horses get fed first!
Al says
As well they should, old chap.
Al says
Unless there’s anything else, that will be all.