Let’s begin with the requisite acknowledgments…
The pandemic is real. This is a serious illness with which huge numbers of people have suffered, and substantial numbers have died.
The virus is highly contagious. Members of my own family have caught it. I could catch it myself.
I could die with it.
Granted, these things might be said of other large-scale disease outbreaks. Nevertheless, the pandemic is not an illusion or a product of mass hysteria. It’s a genuine global emergency.
Okay. All true.
Still, the question must be asked: Why has this illness been treated differently from other public health crises? And why the continuing panic?
Why the talk of restrictive measures that exceed the lockdowns we’ve already experienced — extended measures that weren’t undertaken in past pandemics?
We know that fatality rates for this plague are much less than for other serious diseases. And while the so-called Delta Variant appears to be somewhat more virulently infectious, indications are that it usually causes less extreme symptoms.
Why are we still approaching this health challenge with such desperation? Why do we still seem to be floundering?
The one ongoing problem we’ve faced since the pandemic appeared on our shores has been a lack of clear and accurate information…
Facemasks: Work or don’t work?
Social-distancing and business / church / school closings: Effective or meaningless?
Surface cleansing: Helpful or a waste of effort?
Opinions abound on such questions. None has ever been fully answered. We’ve done all of these things. Has it made any difference? People are still getting sick.
Understandably, it took awhile for medical professionals to get a handle on the nature and scope of the threat. You would have expected a certain thrashing about when the disease was new.
But we’ve been dealing with this for more than a year now. Vast resources have been thrown at the problem. Yet we’re awash in conflicting theories, and we seem no closer to a definite path out of our ongoing predicament.
We have inoculations for which elaborate claims of success are made. However, now we’re told that booster shots will be required — perhaps an indefinite number of booster shots, administered on a continuing basis.
Does this offer us confidence that all the pharmaceutical innovation has delivered anything that actually works?
It may be naïve to assume we can make the illness go away completely. But isn’t it fair to expect that the famous “curve” will finally be flattened to an extent that we can say the principal danger is behind us?
Worse, why is it that those who have reasonable misgivings about being inoculated are viewed as enemies of society?
Cases of seriously adverse reactions to all the serum types — including deaths — have been reported around the world. To be sure, this information is being downplayed by both the mainstream media and the social networks, but word has gotten out. New incidents occur virtually every day. People are aware.
(For that matter, why all these attempts to suppress this news?)
Everyone knows the vaccinations have not undergone the standard run of laboratory tests and clinical trials. In fact, it’s been a point of pride that they were fast-tracked in order to counter the spread of infection.
In light of such hurriedness, why is caution about their efficacy and side effects seen as something anti-social? And make no mistake, reproach for such skepticism is not only harsh, it can be extreme.
A perfect example is this Facebook post by Mark Shea, a Catholic writer of strong opinions…
“I have no problem at all punishing the refuseniks and rewarding the Normals. These guys want to sicken and kill others and break the back of our health care system while making Pandemic a permanent reality? Then lay a butt ton of taxes on them. Force these people who are so fanatical about IDs for the brown and poor to show proof of vaccination before entering restaurants, sports events, theatres or airports. Make them get tested every week till the end of time. Make *them* bear the burden of their selfish stupidity, not the rest of us. And if they dare to make fake proof of vaccination certificates, lock them up and charge them draconian fines. Their right to be selfish jerks ends where my little grandchild’s right to life begins.”
When news broke about illegal immigrants showing high rates of infection, Shea followed up with this observation…
“The GQP [sic] murder / suicide cult naturally tells racist lies to blame the least of these for the criminal neglect that is 100% their own fault as they willfully and malignantly spread Pandemic. Get the shot, for the sake of those who *cannot* get the shot yet. Delta is killing children. Protect them.”
Severe as it may be, one could understand the passion behind Shea’s call if there was certainty behind the effectiveness of vaccination. But “follow the science” as we might, the truth is that these potions simply have not been proven.
(Tangential, but worth noting, is this fascinating bit of denial from a Facebooker named Cindy, who commented on Shea’s border reference, “Next lie in the pipeline: Biden is flying the immigrants all over the country and releasing them into our communities!!!” This is a lie?)
Such heated rhetoric is not isolated. Nor is it exclusive to online chatter. Western Journal reported this complaint by a Norman, Oklahoma, school board member against children being in school without masks…
“‘It’s just not OK for kids to commit murder by coming to school without a mask,’ she claimed.
“‘And when it comes down to it, it’s possible. They will cause a death of another child because they come to school without a mask. That’s not OK.’”
Indeed, it’s not “OK,” but what do we do about those kids who are experiencing asthma attacks, oral infections, and other maladies because of the masks? Are their motives for going barefaced irrelevant?
The Los Angeles Times has editorialized in support of California requirements for vaccination and regular testing of public employees and health workers…
“responsible health officials seeking to slow infection rates have few options, none of which would be popular among pandemic conspiracists on social media and in elected office.”
The essay added insultingly…
“We have little patience with the knee-jerk naysayers who label every new pandemic policy a governmental overreach. What exactly would the government gain by asking people to put cloth over their faces to save their own lives? In what bizarro world is it an abuse of power to give people the choice of taking a free, life-saving medication or doing preventive testing to prove they aren’t infectious?”
Going even farther, a self-identified “anti-racism educator” named Tim Wise, expressed his impatience with those who dismiss vaccination skeptics merely as members of a “suicidal death cult.” In a blog post Wise charged that…
“This is different, something more dangerous, sociopathic, and sadistic — not suicidal but homicidal.”
He insisted that such people really constitute a religiously deluded “mass murder movement,” convinced of its own superiority and invulnerability. He described their attitude accordingly…
“High on a delusional mix of rugged individualism, toxic masculine bravado, pseudoscientific faith in vitamin supplements, and a belief that God would pull them through, they were convinced they were safe.
“Only others were at risk — the less good people.”
And when members of this cohort happen to contract the virus…
“I cannot weep for someone who thought the ‘blood of Jesus’ was all the vaccine they needed.”
What to do about such hard-hearted characters? Wise recommended…
“Refuse to speak to them, break bread with them or communicate with them in any way until they get their shit together and learn to play by the rules of public health by which rational, decent people agree to play.”
Such sentiments aren’t entirely new. I wasn’t around during the great Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918, but surviving images such as this one attest to strong feelings present at the time.
What accounts for such opinions? Fear? Surely that plays a role.
Anger at the death of a loved one? This would certainly be understandable. But to whom is it proper to direct such anger? Does pain give one a license to be cruel?
Even partisanship doesn’t explain it. The Democrats have already succeeded in ousting Trump (by means that demand closer examination). And after all, it was The Donald who started fast-tracking the vaccines, and made Dr. Fauci a household name.
Such institutional myopia.
Such unreason.
Dare one say it?: Such fanaticism.
The push for a so-called “Great Reset” may account for the public policy side of things. You don’t have to wallow in conspiracy theories to discern political motives in play. There are those who wish to stoke public distrust and division, who wish to keep us angry and suspicious of each other.
But why are so many individuals willing to “needle” their neighbors (so to speak)? What accounts for all the personal nastiness? In particular, what of those who have always recited the mantra: My body, my choice. Quite a change for them.
Here’s the reality we face…
The scientific consensus about these vaccines is less than we’re led to believe, despite a massive effort to convince us otherwise.
(That effort is bipartisan, incidentally. I’ve received a pro-vaccine mailing with endorsements from Ron DeSantis, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Sean Hannity.)
In point of fact, only about half of healthcare workers in the country have taken the jab themselves. This even includes staff of the CDC, as Dr. Fauci has admitted. Is this just a matter of not getting around to it, or does it suggest distrust within the research and healthcare communites? What information do these people have that we don’t?
None of this is to say that the vaccines are bad.
I don’t know that for sure. Nobody does. We don’t have enough history with them to speak definitively.
It is true, however, that most of the infections now are happening among the vaccinated or those in close contact with them. In addition, other vaccines, developed to combat earlier plagues, have been pulled from the market and reworked after fewer adverse reactions than we’ve seen with the current varieties.
Despite such ambiguity, some people feel themselves at liberty to say the most intemperate and derogatory things about those who are vaccine-hesitant. They are demeaning their fellow Americans in vindictive and hurtful ways.
Something ugly is loose in our society, a spirit of evil that transcends health fears and political agendas.
It’s something that isn’t explained by mere human emotion. And it has a point all its own.
Here’s an interesting attempt to dismiss vaccine hesitancy as frivolous self-indulgence. It’s obvious that this meme was professionally designed. Who’s putting out such messages?…
And here’s an angrier one that tries to obscure legitimate reservations under a whole shopping list of perceived prejudices…
Attorney and conservative commentator Kurt Schlichter draws attention to a logical inconsistency in the argument of one vaccine advocate…
…while someone relates the sad death of a relative after receiving the “jab” (note the assurance of vaccine safety tacked underneath by Facebook)…
Dr. Fauci — whose advise throughout that past year and a half has been all over the map — is on record as advocating employer-compelled vaccination. As noted by Western Journal…
“The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases signaled on Sunday he can’t wait to see Americans cornered into taking the shot….
“The implication is obviously that those who have thus far refused the vaccine could be forced to change their minds, or be threatened with losing their jobs….
“‘I hope — I don’t predict — I hope that it will be within the next few weeks. I hope it’s within the month of August,’ Fauci said on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ according to The Associated Press.”
Read the article by Kipp Jones here…
Princeton University Philosophy Professor Peter Singer (known for his favorable attitude toward infanticide) goes even farther, advocating a legal vaccination mandate, and comparing it to requiring seatbelt usage in cars. Writing in National Review, Wesley J. Smith, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, debunks the comparison…
“There is a huge difference between a law that requires wrapping a cloth belt around one’s body while in a moving car and injecting chemicals into one’s system. Yes, both acts involve attempts to promote public safety. But the former’s interference with liberty is de minimus, while the latter is one of the most potentially portentous that can be asked of people.”
Here’s Smith’s impassioned rejection…
Political humorist Mike Dice does one of his man-in-the-street interviews, asking people if they’ll sign a petition demanding that vaccine resisters be jailed. You’ll be surprised how many signed…
Ronald says
From: Facebook…
Control! Leading to a dictatorship.
Kelly says
Thank you. You’ve presented the questions in an orderly, understandable and easy to follow way. While I don’t have any answers, you’ve helped me think more clearly about these very real questions.
As for me, the fear I see in those around me is palpable. I see people blessing themselves with hand sanitizer at church. Wearing masks dangling about their necks the way I might wear a Brown Scapular. That frightens me more than anything I’ve experienced during the pandemic,
Dennis says
Adding to the debate is the outright attack on proven, effective therapeutics like Ivermectin and Remdesavir.
Carlo says
From: Facebook…
The same media that destroyed Trump is now pushing the “V.” Connect the dots.
Janet says
From: Facebook…
De-population and control.
Greg S. says
From: Facebook…
The Genocidal Urge runs deep in the minds of demons. The goal stated by Bill Gates, captured in a video, is for a 15% reduction in world population. (To fight the fantasy climate change threat.)
The vaccines create life-long dependency; those who got the jab are immune-compromised and will need boosters for the rest of their lives. They must do what the Medical Tyrants demand, or they lose their lives.
This is easy to understand if one grasps the Satanic playbook. This is simply Satan prancing about the planet terrorizing God’s innocent children.
Stephen says
From: Facebook…
Three Comments & Links:
– Children are more likely to be killed by a meteorite…
– 125 days and counting…
– The dead baby vaccines come from murder. Perhaps the devil wants it in the veins of every Christian to compromise them. Thus the irrationality…
Rainhritz says
From: Gab…
This is a death jab, for depopulation purposes. This is the NWO agenda. Can’t sustain taking care of the population, all governments bankrupt, killing elderly, disabled, sterilizing children. Not enough have died, hence third booster! All this a scam to push the agenda.
People are lining up like sheep to the slaughter. People are getting sick due to destruction of immune system. There has been enough info out here on Gab to not even question at this point. Most people only follow what MSM puts out. One bottle was filled with 99.8% graphene oxide, a toxic poison to humans, this was lab-tested.
This has nothing to due with covid. If you’re religious, and you read the Bible, Revelations. This is our third war, bio weapon, God vs Satan.
If this jab kills people and they know it does and they’re pushing the jabs, then what do you think their agenda is? Look at cases on CDC, that’s only 1% of adverse reactions. They have murdered at least 50,000 or more Americans. One doc complained when he tried to report an adverse reaction, it kicked him out of the system. The CDC doesn’t want you to know how many have been killed or injured, otherwise, no one would take it.
Greg T. says
From: Facebook…
This vaccine for Covid has some really good numbers, but politicians had to make it political, and that lead to people not trusting it. I don’t trust it, but I don’t trust, and I am not anti-vac.
Cindi says
From: Facebook…
I think anyone who doesn’t have concerns, or at least curiosity, about this vaccine, given the rapid way it was developed is what is suspicious.
Mildred says
Hi Bill, my problem with the vaccinations are the new methods used in making them, and the lack of understanding or education concerning all of that. I may not be a scientist, but I am capable of understanding.
I also do not have sufficient information concerning the bits and pieces of other things used to create the new manner of vaccines, like the aids virus. Most importantly, then, I am very concerned about using anything that uses any part of sacrificed human beings in their creation or testing.
There is so much about these that bother me I can’t express all. Then you touch on the individual people issuing orders. The reputations of many of them do not have that much trust. I remember touching & his remarks about Ebola, and I go from there.
Jeff says
From: Facebook…
Them insisting that I get one is suspicious to me. I will make up my own mind.
With that said, if you feel safer with getting the vaccine, by all means go get one. I’m a watcher. I’ll stand back and watch to see what happens to you.
TK says
From: Facebook…
1. Because people worship this life and are petrified of even the .06 chance of death that Covid presents.
2. The Govt is using this opportunity to use their power to pave the way for the “mark of the Antichrist” spoken about in Revelations 13:16-18.
Sue says
From: Facebook…
Gates is giddy with euphoric wet dreams of depopulation.
Every time someone gets a jab a globalist net worth goes up. Ask Blackrock and VanGuard who are major shareholders in Moderna, Pfiser, J&J, Astraceneca. All done through three major foundations – Bill and Melinda Gates, Open Society and Clinton. In 2028 Blackrock and VanGuard will hold $30 trillion of the worlds wealth. They run everything including buying private homes paying way above asking for cash. Private purchasers are being outbid to destroy private homeownership. What they don’t buy other corporations, China and Canada are picking up the slack.
Niel says
From: Facebook…
This is well written, well reasoned, and well worth the read. Showing my age I give it a hardy… “Right On.’
Sherry says
From: Facebook…
So these people are getting nutter all the time. We are getting calls from the MD Vaccine Center. I don’t think I will be returning that call.
Paul says
From: Facebook…
Bishop Atanasius Schneider said its all about everyone accepting abortion. Its of course all about the depopulation agenda.
Dawn says
From: Facebook…
I’d love to know that answer!
Elizabeth says
From: Facebook…
Money! The drug companies are making billions.
And you know the politicians in congress bought into it too.
Mary-Anne says
From: Facebook…
Great essay.
Debbie says
From: Facebook…
Facts are these: Covid is a virus that takes lives. Period. Everyone must get Covid and people must die. Vaccine or no. Isolated or not. Adult or child. Rich, poor, healthy or weak. Everyone MUST get it, or we will drag this out for years.
I really think they are trying to preserve life, because the message otherwise is as cold as the grave. Some of us must die. You cannot volunteer to save your child…
Julie Grace says
From: Facebook…
I don’t know if the Catholic Church is granting any religious exemptions for those who cannot accept the fact that aborted babies were used in the vaccine. If they don’t, I can’t understand why not. We the church have stood against abortion since forever, and I feel they have abandoned the faithful and sold out on this issue.
I should not and we all should not be forced to go against our conscience.
Fran says
From: Facebook…
Control of the masses.
EJ says
From: Facebook…
The depopulation agenda spoken about openly by the One World Government elite is very real. Their STATED goal is to reduce the current population of 7 billion, down to under 500,000,000. Let that sink in. This is not a joke, not a conspiracy “theory.” There is overwhelming evidence. Please do your own research. Agenda 201, agenda 2030. But search using Duck Duck Go in Rumble or Bitchute. The same people at the top are the ones who control the media and internet. They are frantically censoring the Truth.
Dan G. says
Perhaps one idea is to help weed out who will resist tyranny and needs to be locked up in a “green zone” or imprisoned or executed.
Virgil says
From: Facebook…
I know for many years they have been experimenting with human tissue and electronic circuit boards trying to create a AI. There also was talk of research into DNA to try to unlock hidden codes in them.
Now fast forward to present. There’s a big push to vaccinate everyone. Now as that’s ongoing and more coming there’s a big push to connect the whole world to 5G. Shortly after that is well underway, comes talk of going cashless. With all this and talk of universal pay, they can control you financially.
Compare all that’s going on to Revelations. If this isn’t the real deal, we’re still screwing up and losing our ground.
Have you researched the American Stonehenge? It has all the aims of the NWO carved in stone. In at least 12, I believe, major languages.
I heard past Presidents talk of the NWO and of bringing it in. Biden been slipping talking of re-education camps. Jesse Ventura documented so many things I’ve read about many years ago. He showed them including a massive stockpile of coffins for mass burials.
Now we have a surge of a new variant of the virus. They’re talking about another lockdown and mask mandates. Are you asking yourself, then why is our border so open? Why is the government shoving so many infected illegals into the country? Are they trying to kill as many of us as they can? Are we the new native Americans to be nearly wiped out as the original native Americans?
What’s amazing is that many of Biden’s diehard supporters don’t believe it! They believe if it was so bad that super Joe Biden will swoop in to stop it. These people are being fed total lies and propaganda. This is real and goes further back than you know.
William says
From: Facebook…
You nailed it, Bill!
Ginger says
From: Facebook…
I feel that it is the mark of the beast… so they are scaring people into taking it.
Christie says
From: Facebook…
Money, fear, control.
Armand says
From: Facebook…
Just for control and money! It is dangerous to people, but the government is pushing it none the less. All to make money even though it will and has killed people and some are disabled for life.
Child of Elohim says
From: Gab…
I think it is obvious that there is a diabolic agenda over this issue. I have spent hours listening to information about this from people with pretty amazing credentials. It took some of them months to come to the same conclusion I came to in March of 2020.
There is a political agenda here whose purpose is quite simply CONTROL of the masses. It is diabolic in that perfectly intelligent people become rabidly illogical about wanting everyone to get jabbed, and it being the fault of the unjabbed that there are variants. (Untrue and illogical), while the unjabbed just watch in horror as their vaccinated relatives get sick (very sick – from what I have seen in my own family, this is NOT a milder infection) or die from blood clots (again in my own family.)
I do not see the unvacced spitting fire over the vaccinated, although many will tell you that being around vaccinated people makes them sick. (Again, personal experience) I have been expecting something like this for years. Read the Apocalypse of John.
Jack F. says
From: Facebook…
To lower population.
Jack K. says
From: Facebook…
In attempting to make sense of any of it, 2 questions:
Why hasn’t the CDC been able to provide even 1 lab example of the deadly COVID virus isolated and cultured from a diseased patient?
Why has the FDA allowed further use of the jab after the CDC’s vaers statical model extrapolated (12,500,000 = 1%) × 100 = 1.2 million Americans killed by it?
Debbie says
ON TOP OF THAT the reporting system VAERS is a FAKE reporting system run by ONE GIRL. I learned this last week. And wouldn’t you KNOW IT?
Rose says
From: Facebook…
Toms says
From: Facebook…
Well it was the masks if you don’t obey you get a fine it’s the job if you don’t comply you can’t have a job you can’t go into buildings go shopping do anything you won’t get a vaccine passport so you can’t travel and so effectively we’re going to have more police everywhere right now in Tampa the DC police are setting up an office in Tampa because they feel that they can catch more people who are at the January 6th protest in Washington DC they already have 250 people who are locked up in prison without due process ever since January 6th so they’re going to probably start to have Federal cops in every city if not every County in America which will supersede our own police we elect our own local police they’re very kind people who love America but these federal police they’re only going to be accountable to the federals and the federal government Jack booted thugs yeah that’s what happens when you’re entering socialism when the ultimate goal is communism.
I will not comply
Dan B. says
Outstanding essay, Bill.
TPIA says
From: Gab…
Not sure if you really are looking for an answer here or just to get people to read your blog.
In any case, if you look at how many are advocating “no buying or selling aka job, grocery store, restaurants, etc” without the “vaccine” It says to me it is the mark of the beast or a dress rehearsal for it. Hence, the big push.
Bill Kassel says
I should think you’d have to read my blog post in order to comment on it.
Jaxhkd says
From: Gab…
The wholesale push of jabs for everyone regardless of risk is just wrong. As my company is now only hiring vaxxed and jab or weekly testing for employees, they are actively blackmailing us.
Al says
Well boys and girls, THEE MAN said it. GET IT.
Or is HE now part of the great LEFT WING CONSPIRACY?
Mildred says
From: Facebook…
My problem with the vaccinations is the new methods used in making them, and the lack of understanding or education concerning all of that.
I may not be a scientist, but I am capable of understanding. I also do not have sufficient information concerning the bits and pieces of other things used to create the new manner of vaccines, like the AIDS virus. Most importantly, then, I am very concerned about using anything that uses any part of sacrificed human beings in their creation or testing.
There is so much about these that bother me I can’t express all. Then you touch on the individual people issuing orders! The reputations of many of them do not have that much trust. I remember [Biden’s] touching and his remarks about Ebola, and I go from there.
Lupe H. says
From Facebook…
Because some people are becoming very rich from it.