An article on Axios puts forth the proposition that a lot of the divisiveness we see in America today is concocted (or at least magnified) by the media, and doesn’t necessarily reflect actual conditions on the ground. Citing a recent poll, the piece asserts that there’s…
“compelling evidence we’ve been trapped in a reality distortion bubble — social media, cable TV and tribal political wars — long enough to warp our view of the reality around us.
“Yes, deep divisions exist on some topics. But on almost every topic of monthly outrage, it’s a fringe view … amplified by the loudest voices….”
I suppose I should take comfort in that. After all, I don’t want to see the country torn apart by fellow citizens seething with rage.
Still, I keep coming across all these memes on Facebook and other social networks.
Most of the graphics are probably created by paid web designers beavering away with their artificial intelligence software in politically subsidized art shops.
But the images get shared and re-linked by real live people, some of whom are my online “friends.”
It’s obvious that decisionmakers on the Left have committed themselves to divisiveness as a strategy — specifically to churning out an endless stream of insults toward Trump supporters.
Well, that’s to be expected, I guess. Leftists have no coherent theory of governance to offer, and so rarely rise above the petty (or even the stupid).
Trouble is, ordinary folks are eagerly taking the bait.
I’ve observed the most demeaning claims over the past few elections (such as the meme above, which appeared during the 2020 race). And in this current campaign, the anti-Trump cabal appears to be doubling down.
Whether or not current divisiveness is truly national, somebody really hates you. And their sentiments are infectious.
Here are a few examples…
This obviously A.I.-generated graphic portrays a group of middle-aged and elderly Trumpers in their red caps and gold sneakers, waiting to — what: Vote? Buy the latest Joel Osteen book? Pick up lunch at Chick-fil-A?
Whatever they’re doing, it has to reflect ignorance or mindless hero worship. Because, at heart, all Trumpers are just sheep who’ll follow their idol over a cliff…
But you’d think that with all the news about Trump’s legal woes, they’d begin to question their loyalty…
Alas, no.
In spite of all proof to the contrary, they cling to their outmoded way of thinking, blaming the intelligentsia for their troubles, and following a demagogue who has to be lying…
And they call themselves Christians…
If they read their Bibles, they’d get a true picture…
And who better to point this out to them than enlightened anti-Trumpers…
Still, their condition is probably explained by genetics, so I guess you have to feel a certain pity for the poor imbeciles…
This propaganda barrage has become so overt and heavy-handed that even certain figures traditionally thought of as on the Left see the disconnect between real Trump supporters and their portrayal by the mainstream media.
Liberal comedian Bill Maher recently contrasted Trump’s actual appeal with its portrayal on television. In an interview with veteran NBC talking head, Katie Couric, Maher observed…
“Here’s what people saw in America: They saw Trump killing it, killing it with the crowd. … Then you come to a panel of six people who all just do nothing but dump on him and call him a liar. And America goes, ‘Oh, didn’t you just see that we like him?’”
Mika Brzezinski, cohost of the MSNBC “Morning Joe” program recently hosted a segment promoting a book whose title says everything you need to know about elite attitudes toward Trump supporters (and pretty much everybody else who’s not voting Democrat): “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy.”
Brzezinski’s cohost (and husband), Joe Scarborough, has blasted Trumpers directly, dismissing them as incipient fascists…
“What’s wrong with you? Who raised you? What history did you read? Where are you from?….
“I’m getting tired of saying this to people who claim to be patriotic but hate America, because they’re always running America down. They’re always trashing America. They’re always saying America is horrible, its democracy doesn’t work, we need a dictatorship if Donald Trump doesn’t win.”
Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) addressed the present atmosphere in a recent op-ed. Citing a defense of the so-called “deep state” by The New York Times, Rubio wrote…
“Despite claiming to love democracy, many liberal elites distrust the vast majority of the American people — even despise them. This fact explains why they tried to ban Trump from the ballot. It is why they try to censor conservatives on social media. And it is why they push for unilateral policy change through the courts and corporations, instead of through Congress….
“Looking ahead to another Trump administration, it’s clear why liberal elites want to protect the ‘deep state.’ They hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for. But what they’re really doing is denying voters their choice, and that’s an actual threat to our democracy.”
A pro-Trump meme going around captures this reality succinctly. I don’t know its source, but it makes a simple point that demands to be taken seriously in this election year: Somebody really hates you.
Tyler Burden of Zero Hedge reflects on the “Morning Joe” segment featuring the book, “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy.” He warns that…
“Sadly the road to November is likely be paved with much more of this elite corporate media racism unleashed on Trump supporters and ‘rural’ or ‘poor’ White people.”
Buckle up!…
But all is not doom and gloom. Business Insider expects a major exodus of Democrats out of the country if Trump returns to the White House. Acknowledging that this is a cry heard whenever a Republican presidency is a real possibility, writer Paul Starobin thinks the prospect of a MAGA victory is so frightening, that this time Lefties really mean it…
“The alarm over Trump’s potential triumph in November is far starker than the fears stoked by past presidents….
“…a rising tide of conservatism at home is clearly driving more Americans to consider a move abroad.”
Oh Lord, let it be so…
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