It’s fascinating to observe the change in atmosphere now that Trump’s victory is confirmed and he’s headed for his historic non-consecutive second term.
The sense of gloom which, before the election, had been pervasive, has lifted — if not entirely, at least markedly so.
Where talk of a new Cold War, of basement fallout shelters, and of stockpiling food had made it seem like the duck-and-cover 1950s were coming back, now we have foreign leaders heaping their congratulations on The Donald and consulting him as if he were already in office.
Silicon Valley tech wizards are sitting down with him for lunch at Mar-a-Lago. Mark Zuckerberg has promised an overhaul of Facebook censorship policies and recruited a Trump supporter for his board.
Major media outlets are reevaluating their left-leaning editorial policies.
Democrat strategists are admitting their party has lost touch with its base.
Even Progressive poster girl, Rep. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is striking a (modestly) conciliatory pose. AOC recently told Punchbowl News…
“The reason why I think oftentimes Democrats occasionally lose elections is because we’re too reflexively anti-Republican, and that we don’t lean into an ambitious vision for working-class Americans strongly enough.”
MAGA influence has even been felt north of the border. The government of Canada is in collapse, as the annoyingly lefty Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation as prime minister and Liberal Party head.
America is back, Baby!
Sort of.
It’s true that this election showed there’s a limit to how much American voters are willing to let the ruling cabal (what I call the Central Committee) subvert our national character and push us toward becoming a province of some imagined global commonwealth.
As Bill Wilson, former president of Americans for Limited Government, has written on ALG’s Daily Torch, Trump’s victory was a…
“rejection of the left-wing globalist agenda that has wreaked havoc on our country at every level for decades.” ….
Wilson notes that this rejection was extensive and nationwide…
“all over the country, supposedly deep blue pockets are showing cracks in the system, with Americans breaking for Trump in larger proportions than last time.”
Despite all the optimism, however, do not assume that the U.S. is set on a clear path back toward limited government and constitutional restraint. Indeed, the Progressive Left is already attempting to short-circuit a Trumpian Renaissance.
Perhaps the most symbolic indicator that there’s no real sense of surrender among Democrats is Joe Biden’s award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the leftist financier, George Soros. Soros is a major funder of movements and organizations active in undermining American sovereignty and moving us toward internationalist submission.
That award is much more than a mere expression of Biden’s gratitude to a man who has helped propel the wave which Old Joe from Scranton has ridden throughout his career. It’s a profoundly emblematic political gesture, a strong signal to the cadres waiting for word to once more take up ze revolution.
Honoring Soros is a visible display, of course, (the irony of which is captured by this humorous meme currently circulating).
It’s not unlike the commuting of death sentences for a batch of murderers in federal lockup. Essentially Joe is assuring the troops that the Central Committee has their backs. (Don’t worry, we’ll make short work of Trump. We’ll still be calling the shots.)
More substantially, the Committee has given Biden the go-ahead to obstruct Trump’s move back to national energy independence by invoking a ban on new offshore oil drilling.
You can count on more such sandbagging, as the Biden administration creeps to its miserable conclusion. Also expect an inexhaustible supply of disruptive crises (bird flu? the L.A. fires?) to carry us into Trump, Act II.
Accompanying all of this is the ongoing vilification of The Donald, his appointees, and everyone who voted for him or expressed something less than total contempt for the orange man, the MAGA movement, or those danged red hats.
Characterizations of Trumpers as racist, misogynist, hateful, ignorant, heartless, money-grubbing — whatever — are pouring forth at all levels, political, educational, social, even business.
Check out the website of Penzeys, an online spice vender with Progressive inclinations. Penzys might be described as the Ben and Jerry’s of the gastronomic world. Along with an assortment of exotic flavorings, they pump out a steady stream of lefty flimflam, such as this little nugget from their website’s “About Republicans” page…
“The Republican departure from conservative values and embrace of what, from a distance, looks a whole lot like insanity didn’t happen by chance. All of it has been intelligently crafted with the goal of preserving the position of those who profit from the inhumanity that is at the very roots of pretty much every problem we are facing….”
Swallow that with your Smoked Spanish Paprika, you MAGA morons! How could you be so taken in?
The reality is that we’re not out of the woods. Not by a long shot.
Lacking a legitimate — which is to say a moral — philosophy of governance, the Left has nothing to offer but insults, calumny and subversion. And, oh yes, weaponization of the legal system, as we’ve seen in the string of contrived charges against Trump and his associates.
They’re gonna do everything they can to mess things up. Government by sedition goes on.
Pray that The Donald maintains sufficient strength to keep pressing forward and the sagacity to counter whatever may come.
Buckle up, MAGA folk. Trump, Act II is gonna be a bumpy ride.
Here are a few glimpses of what lies ahead…
The DC Daily Journal editorializes that Trump’s trouncing of Kamala has caused deep reflection among Democrat thinkers, and that the party may be heading in a new ideological direction — even a possible breakup…
“Believe it or not, there’s a growing voice within the Democrat Party that wants to desperately abandon the gender ideology agenda items, the blatant socialism and anti-free market agenda items, as well as the big government war-mongering.
“If the establishment elites at top of the Democrat Party don’t signal any significant change, it would be no surprise if there’s more and more talk about a Party split imminent over the next few years.”
Hmmmm… I wouldn’t hold my breath…
More likely, the Dems will double down in the spirit of Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D) who lashed out at Hispanics who voted for The Donald…
“It almost reminds me of what people would talk about when they would talk about kind of like ‘slave mentality’ and the hate that some slaves would have for themselves,” she said. “It’s almost like a slave mentality that they have.”
Somehow that seems like a more accurate reflection of the Left’s view…
After a couple of attempts on Trump’s life during the campaign, we can’t dismiss further threats of violence — against The Donald and members of his inner circle. American Liberty reports that law enforcement agencies are looking seriously at such contingencies…
But perhaps the greatest dangers Leftists pose is actually to themselves. American Liberty also reports that some female anti-Trumpers are so distraught at the election results and the possible impact on availability of abortion that they’re considering sterilization…
“One of the women featured in the report is 25-year-old Eden Ixora of Florida, an OnlyFans model, who said that she is planning to go through a bilateral salpingectomy, since she believes that ‘the idea of getting pregnant is worse than death.’”
Well, the upside of all this is that conservatives are outbreeding the Left. What’s not to like?…
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