Writers take their titles seriously. You wrack your brain to construct a word combination that’s provocative and captures the spirit and thrust of your book.
And when you finally discover that magic phrase, it becomes part of you.
I think MY BROTHER’S KEEPER is a perfect title for my novel. It capsulizes the essential focus of the story: James’ struggle to protect his brother, as controversy builds around Jesus and his movement.
And it’s Biblical, to boot.
But I have to admit that those words are anything but unique on the current literary scene. There’s a whole bunch of books by that title out there. Here are just a few…
With confusion ever a possibility, please take care when searching for my book. Hint…
Google: “Bill Kassel My Brother’s Keeper.”
Or follow the links from this blog.
In the meantime, here’s another reading of an excerpt from MY BROTHER’S KEEPER — that is to say, my MY BROTHER’S KEEPER…